
  • Saturday, May 07, 2022 16:58
    Reply # 12771658 on 12760901
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yes, we do periodically post "Maintenance Days" for our boats, usually Saturday mornings or possibly during the week.  Some of these are scrubbing and detailing primarily.  We may tie them into a sail.  

  • Friday, April 29, 2022 17:04
    Message # 12760901

    Hello all. I see this on the home page: "We encourage members to participate in our maintenance days." I don't see maintenance days posted on the calendar. Do they go by a different name? Do you know when/where they are? Are they sign-up, or just show-up? Mucho thanks!

The Annapolis Naval Sailing Association is a 501 (c) 7 non-profit organization in Maryland and a Chapter of the United States Naval Sailing Assoc

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